Victoria Real Estate Board
Victoria New ConstructionVictoria Oceanfront

Why use a REALTOR®?

When you buy, sell or lease a property you make one of the most important financial decisions in your life. That's why it makes sense to have a professional real estate agent on your side to provide expert guidance throughout your real estate transaction.

Skilled negotiators

REALTORS® can qualify potential buyers and draw up enforceable contracts.

Know the market

REALTORS® assess market conditions and property values and have access to detailed market statistics. Your REALTOR® knows the neighbourhood.


Your REALTOR® is educated on the complex laws and regulations that affect a real estate transaction and can give you advice to help ensure your interests are protected.
Remove risk – A REALTOR® can help take the stress and risk out of the transaction when you buy, sell or lease a property.

Select a REALTOR®

When you select a REALTOR® to assist you with your real estate transaction, it's important you choose someone who will be compatible with you, and who has the knowledge and expertise you need to make your transaction safe and successful. Before you make a final decision, talk to a number of REALTORS® and ask them about their knowledge of the neighbourhood, market conditions and their experience with the kind of property you wish to purchase.

Before you sign an agreement with your REALTOR®, discuss what kind of agency relationship you will have and what services they will provide. Be clear about what fee or commission they will charge. Do you want to sell a property? You’ll also want to review the marketing plan your REALTOR® will use to advertise your home or property.

When you buy, sell or lease a property, a REALTOR® just makes sense.


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