Victoria Real Estate Board
Inner Harbour SunsetVictoria Waterfront


The VREB district of Metchosin, part of the Westshore region, corresponds to the municipal District of Metchosin and is sub-divided into 8 neighbourhoods.  Click a coloured area on the map for details.  Zoom and drag the map to inspect the section you're interested in.  Use the controls above the map to share or enlarge.  View our other maps in the Greater Victoria area using the links on the right.

Metchosin is a rural community.  Horseback riding, nature trails and parks are common in the district, which also offers a number of golf courses. Matheson Lake is popular for swimming and hiking. Witty's Lagoon is an oceanfront area for a variety of sports and for relaxation. Pedder Bay is well known for its fishing and Metchosin is the setting for Pearson College, which attracts students from all over the world.

Visit the web site of the District of Metchosin.

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